SUSAN BROWNMILLER - A civil rights activist in the'60s, Susan, a writer, was sent to report on women's liberation in 1967. She joined the cause and became a member of the New York Radical Feminists. A great orchestrator, she planned the Ladies Home Journal Sit-in in 1969. She also organized a force against pornography and probably is responsible for getting pom off Broadway. She s written for many newspapers and several books. Among them "Against Our Will," about rape, and her latest book "in Our Time," the story of the second wave of the feminist movement.

JACQUI CEBALLOS -Joined NYNOW in 1967. headed the public relations committee and speakers bureau and cofounded and did PR for Anselma Dell Olio's New Feminist Theatre. She helped organize the Strike Coalition and was Strike Coordinator for the chapter in 1970. She was the chapter president in '71 and Eastern Regional Director in '72. She helped Befty Friedan found the National Women's Political Caucus, ran as a delegate for Shirley Chisholm for President and was a founder and Exec Director of the Women's Forum. With Jane Field and Dell Williams, she ran a speakers bureau and PR firm. In 1990 she did interviews for the Schlesinger Library's History of NOW project funded by Mary Jean Tully and founded the Veteran Feminists of America in '92.

KAREN DECROW - Besides being National Strike Coordinator, Karen founded Syracuse New York NOW, was Eastern Regional Director and President of national NOW for two terms. She organized the first political conference in Seneca Falls in 1971, is a founder of the NY and National Women's Political Caucus. Karen has written several books on feminism. She writes a syndicated column on current issues and practices law in Syracuse.

CAROLE DESARAM - joined NOW in 1970 and helped carry the banner "Women of the World Unite" down Fifth Avenue 8/26/1970 and with other feminists climbed up the side of the NY Public Library with the banner at the end of the march, and, in 1972 hung it on the Statue of Liberty. She headed up zap actions, closing down the Stock Exchange, Citi Bank and other institutions that discriminated against women. She created the FBI poster (Feminist Bureau of Investigation) along with Nancy Borman and Doris Rush with pictures of CEO's who discriminated against women. She started the national movement to end discrimination in giving women credit. She also chaired several committees locally and nationally, became President of the NYC Chapter in 1974 and served on the National Board of NOW.
  JANICE LAROUCHE - In 1969 Janice impressed three NYNOW members at the Albert Ellis Institute when she refuted the allegations of the speaker (topic -"The New Woman"). they invited her head the speakers-bureau. She joined NY NOW and was on the. board. Aware of women's need to learn how to succeed in the business world, she started a study group that developed into the Career Workshops for Women. "Women were raised to be housewives- Strategies for success in business was not on their horizon, they couldn't deal with money, and needed assertiveness training. She studied psychology and added this dimension to the Career Workshops. A founder of VFA, for the first year she held feminist soirees at her apartment, where Kate Millett, Evelyn Cunningham, Barbara Seaman, Phyllis Chesler, Letty Cottin Pogrebin and other veterans held sway. Janice still gives career training classes and does consulting for corporations and businesses.

KATE MILLETT - Was a member of NYCITY NOW since 1967. As head of the chapters education committee she wrote Token Leaming, a booklet which exposed the seven sister colleges - (to educate young women to be wives and mothers). Her doctoral thesis was published as a book Sexual Politics in 1970 and caused an immediate sensation. Among her other books - Flying and The Loony Bin. An artist of note, her tree farm in upstate New York is also an women's art colony.